Lennons Birth Story

On August 19th at 7pm I started having what I thought may be contractions, but I wasn’t 100% sure because with Levi (our first son) I was induced so I never knew what true labor contractions felt like. At this time they weren’t very painful but were 10 minutes apart on the dot. I was in denial that this potentially could be the real deal as he wasn’t “due” for another 10 days! We ate dinner, gave Levi a bath, got him down for bed. I showered and tried to get ready for bed myself. At this point it was nearing midnight and things were progressing. Casey (my husband) started setting up the birthing tub and other supplies. Contractions were 5 minutes apart and becoming more intense (but I was still in denial). I even told Casey “I’m not sure why you’re setting this tub up, I don’t think we will need it tonight?”

I had Casey call his parents to come pick up Mila (our German Shepherd) and call our amazing care team, midwife (Sarah) & photographer/doula (Madi) to inform them of the progression. Over the next hour contractions were getting stronger and closer together, becoming 2 minutes apart, then a minute apart. Casey’s mom & sister arrived around 12:30am to pick up Mila and stayed to start helping to fill the birthing tub. 

Madi arrived shortly after 1am and at that point my contractions were on top of each other. Not long after that, at 1:13am, my water broke! We were on the phone with Sarah during this time as I wanted to get in the birthing tub, but needed to wait for her arrival. Casey and Madi were of great help with the double hip squeeze on my back! Sarah arrived to our house at 1:43am. I was finally able to get in the birthing tub, where the relieve was instant as I hit the hot water. I was able to relax for a moment, but not for too long because Lennon was about to make his debut! As I felt the urge to push I quickly wanted Pam & Mandy to wake Levi so he could be apart of the birth. I focused on Casey talking me through each contraction and on my moms shadow box (I know she was watching over me during this time) to give me the strength I needed! I pushed two times and at 1:53am on August 20th Lennon Oliver Mogensen was born into a quiet, peaceful setting.

This was by far one of the best/coolest experiences of my life and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat! We didn’t have a bad in hospital experience the first time around, but now having done a homebirth, I would pick a homebirth every time! We want to give a huge thank you to Sarah at Twin Cities Midwifery for everything! She is so gentle, caring and are so happy with the care we received from her! Also thank you to Madi at Madi Parlow Photography for capturing this amazing life changing experience and supporting me through it all! And lastly for Pam and Mandy for helping out with Levi, cleaning up around the house, & taking Mila for a few days. We couldn’t have done with this without all of you guys!

-Kianna Mogensen